cover_C&CNon c’è apparecchiatura elettronica moderna che non disponga di uno o più connettori per l’alimentazione, per espanderne la potenzialità, o semplicmente per collegarla ad altri dispositivi. Personal computer e dispositivi multimediali sono quelli che nella nostra quotidianità presentano le maggiori varietà di connessione, in un panorama di continua e crescente evoluzione. La conoscenza dei tipi di connettore, della loro storia, dei loro campi di applicazione può risultare molto utile nel momento si voglia “giocare”, espandere, modificare, riparare o semplicemente interconnettere questi dispositivi fra loro. Ecco dunque una guida commentata ai sistemi di connessione di maggiore diffusione nelle nostre case ed in genere nella nostra vita sempre “più cablata”.

There is no modern electronic equipment that does not have one or more connectors for power, to expand it, or simply to connect it to other devices. Personal computers and multimedia devices are nowadays those
that have the broadest variety of connection, in a continuous and growing panoarama of evolution. Knowledge of connector types, their history, their fi elds of application can be very useful when you want to “play”, expand, modify, repair or simply interconnect these devices together. Here is a handbook about the most common connection e distribution systems in our homes and more generally on our “wired” world.

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By iw4blg

Pierluigi Poggi since his childhood has been attracted from technical stuffs and gears, being a very curious guy. He built his first Xtal radio when he was just 9. Today, we would call him “maker”. When he turned to 21 became radio amateur, with call sign iw4blg. Since then, he developed many radio gears and felt in love with space communication, becoming an EMErs and a satellite enthusiast. His great passion led him to experiment a lot on the higher bands, up to pioneering several THz (lightwaves) QSOs on the early ’90. Beside to this passion to the radio communication and modern technologies, he like to study, experiment, understand-why, then, write and share, or better, spread the knowledge. This fact led him to became a well renowned contributor of electronics magazines with more than 95 articles published and author of 14 science books.

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